List of current projects
Floquet physics in Dirac-like systems
We will explore ultrafast modifications of the electronic band-structure of graphene and graphite via light-induced and phonon-induced Floquet states.
Formation of excitons in topological insulators
We are investigating the emergence and formation of excitons in 3D topological insulators
Ultrafast electron dynamics in cuprate superconductors
Thanks to the use of a new state-of-the-art electron analyzer and sample bias, we can access electron dynamics over almost the entire Brillouin zone of cuprate superconductors
(1) Explore the ultrafast evolution of the superconducting gap over the entire Fermi arc
(2) Track the emergence of the pseudogap state upon quenching of the superconducting condensate
(3) Study ultrafast changes in the electron-boson band structure renormalization effects over the entire momentum space