I am an Assistant Professor in Ultrafast Science at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Energy, Material and Telecommunications (INRS-EMT), Varennes, QC, Canada.
Since January 2021, I have been appointed Affiliate Investigrator at the Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada
I got my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Engineering Physics (2009 and 2011) and my Ph.D. in Physics (2015) at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. During my Ph.D. (reserach group of C. Dallera and E. Carpene, in collaboration with G. Cerullo), I performed ultrafast all-optical measurements (time-resolved reflectivity and magneto-optics) on ferromagnetic materials to study ultrafast light-induced modifications of the magnetization. In addition, I designed and built an innovative Yb-based TR-ARPES system and worked on 3D topological insulator.
During my postdoctorate in A. Damascelli's group (2015-2020) at the Stuart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute at the University of British Columbia (SBQMI-UBC), I studied ultrafast electronic dynamics in a variety of quantum materials, ranging from topological systems to high-temperature superconductors. In particular, I performed forefront ultrafast studies of cuprates superconductors via TR-ARPES. Furthermore, I also performed equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium x-ray scattering measurements on cuprates with the ultimate goal to investigate the complex interplay between the charge-order and superconductivity.
Group Members
Francesco Goto
Ph.D. students
Research Associates
Nicolas Gauthier

Jean-Michel Parent (co-supervised with F. Légaré at INRS)
Benson Kwaku Frimpong
Dario Armanno (co-supervised with B. Siwick at McGill)
AKib Jabed (co-supervised with S. Beaulieu at CNRS, U. Bordeaux)
Sydney Dufresne (co-supervised with A. Damascelli at QMI-UBC)